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Марченко Анна Александровна1371
Материал размещён в группе «Конкурсы по английскому языку»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 7 класса

учебник В.П. Кузовлева (Unit 4)

Тема: Экология. Страдательный залог.

Составила: Марченко Анна Александровна


Task 1 (10 min)

Express the meaning of each phrase in one word. There is an example for you. Please, mine the spelling. The number of letters is shown.


0. to make the first step – b _ _ _ n - begin

1. to put in the ground to grow – p_ _ _t

2. to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful materials that can be used again- r_ _ _ _ _e

3. to become or to make something become smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc – r_ _ _ _e

4. to make an area or substance, usually air, water, or soil, dirty or harmful to people, animals, and plants, especially by adding harmful chemicals – p_ _ _ _ _ e

5. the planet third in order of distance from the sun, between Venus and Mars; the world on which we live - E_ _ _h

6. to harm or spoil something – d_ _ _ _e

7. a large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually larger than a wood – f_ _ _ _t

8. the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live – e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t

Task 2 (10 min)

Choose the correct form of the verb

1. A lot of people ________ paper, cans and plastic.

A. are recycled

B. recycle

C. recycles

D.is recycled

2. When trees_______ down, a lot of animals and birds are disturbed.

A. cut

B. is cut

C. cuts

D. are cut

3. When people leave litter in the forest, animals ________.

A. are hurt

B. is hurt

C. hurt

D. hurts

4. When the forests are destroyed, it _________a lot of environmental problems.

A. cause

B. causes

C. is caused

D. are caused

5. It’s great when pupils __________ to protect nature at school and at home.

A. taught

B. teach

C. are taught

D. is taught

6. My classmate Dan always _______ garbage in the garbage bins.

A. puts

B. put

C. is put

D. are put

Task 3 (10 min)

Put the phrases of the dialogue in the correct order.

A. - What are they?

B. - It’s a pity that you face this problem. Our factory makes the air polluted so it’s sometimes hard to breathe.

C. -Yesterday the teacher told us about ecological problems of our region. I didn’t imagine we have so many.

D. - I’m sorry to hear that you have so many problems. I hope the ecological situation will change soon.

E. - We also have problems with water, but they are connected with pollution. Factories and plants put their wastes in water.

F. - First, we have problems with fresh water. Its level constantly falls as there are no rains.


Task 1

1. plant

2. recycle

3. reduce

4. pollute

5. Earth

6. damage

7. forest

8. environment

Task 2

1 B

2 D

3 A

4 B

5 C

6 A

Task 3


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